
Tough Girl
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Maki cursed under her breath and ran from the bathroom. She almost collided with Jae Joong as she ran out of the door. "MOVE!" She screamed at him. She pushed by him and ran out of the building and in seconds was off of school grounds.

"That freakin' jerk...what's her damn problem?" Ae-Cha asked annoyed.

Jae Joong watched in the direction that she ran in and then he started running after her. Hye Su went right after him, causing the rest of the group to run after them as well. Maki made the turn to Sanny's house and quickly entered the gate. She ran up to the steps and found Hyo laying on the ground.

"You ok? Where's Sanny??"

"They took her Maki...I couldn't protect her...we were just sitting here talking when a group came. They beat the crap out of me...I got my kicked by a bunch of girls." He grinned. His grin disappeared quickly, "Maki you have to find her...she's not going to be able to defend herself."

"Where did they go?"

"To the park five minutes from here...please bring her back...and I lied when I said I didn't like her...I like her a lot..." he grinned.

"I'll get her for you Hyo, don't worry." Maki helped Hyo into a comfortable sitting position and quickly ran in the direction of the park that Hyo had told her.

Maki made it to the park and ran all over it. She heard some grunting noises and a muffled scream behind a handball wall. She didn't even wait. Maki made the turn around the corner and she ran towards one of the girls that had her back towards Maki. Maki went at full speed and clothes lined the girl in the back of the head. She fell face forward onto the ground and knocked out. Maki didn't care about anyone else, she just saw the two girls that were holding Sanny down, her pretty face bloodied and being slammed into the concrete ground.

Maki's blood boiled inside her veins and she felt her adrenaline pumping. These s were going to pay. Maki ran up and did a flying knee kick to one of the girl's face. Then she used the wall as leverage, as she kicked off and brought her fist down into the side of the other girl's head. Maki stood between the group and Sanny. She wasn't going to let them get to her. The girls came running towards Maki, she ducked and dodged every other person but was able to land punches and kicks into their bodies. One girl came out of no where and grabbed Maki into a head lock from behind. Maki quickly grabbed the girl's arm and swung her body forward flipping the other girl off her back. Another came and swung a metal bat at Maki, connecting with her stomach. Maki doubled over and instinctively cradled he

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TVXQ4everJJ #1
Two of my favorite groups Yaay
Dailycommenter 98 streak #2
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
Chapter 81: Revisiting once again
teddiebears #4
love this, thank you
Visiting old fics!
Chapter 81: Rereading the story and it is still awesome
Emerald_Lee #7
Missed this site especially your fanfics, re-reading all?
maiquie24 #8
Second time reading this! Lol! Great story!
Visiting old fics!
Chapter 81: Lovely...
Just lovely :)